Public Meeting Scheduled for Tumalo Watershed Plan - May 8th 2018

If you are eager to see more water restored instream in Tumalo Creek, come learn about and support Tumalo Irrigation District’s (TID) efforts to modernize its water delivery system. TID’s long-term piping plan proposes to save 48 cubic feet per second of water lost to canal seepage. Saved water will be protected instream in Tumalo Creek, in the Middle Deschutes downstream from the confluence with Tumalo Creek, and in Crescent Lake. Tumalo’s agricultural community will also benefit from improved water delivery and reliability.
A Draft Watershed Plan-Environmental Assessment (Plan-EA) has been released for the Tumalo Irrigation District Irrigation Modernization Project. The public is invited to attend a meeting about the Draft Plan-EA:
May 8, 2018
6:00 – 7:30 PM
Cascades Academy
19860 Tumalo Reservoir Road
Bend, OR 97703
The purpose of the meeting is to inform the community of the Draft Plan-EA and to gather public comments. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) developed the Draft Plan-EA in partnership with Tumalo Irrigation District, the Deschutes Basin Board of Control, and Farmers Conservation Alliance. View the Notice of Availability and News Release from NRCS.
The Draft Plan-EA and other relevant documents are available on this website on the Project Information page. Limited copies of the Draft Plan-EA are also available at the Deschutes Public Library in Bend, the NRCS office in Redmond, and the Tumalo Irrigation District office.
Comments on the Draft Plan-EA may be submitted from April 16, 2018 to May 22, 2018.
Comments can be sent to or mailed to:
Farmers Conservation Alliance
Tumalo Watershed Plan
11 3rd St, Suite 101
Hood River, OR 97031
For more information: