October 9, 2010 - Bend Bulletin - Metolius restoration to close stretch
Metolius restoration to close stretch
Published: October 09. 2010 4:00AM PST
A stretch of the Metolius River will be closed to the public later this month due to a habitat restoration project that will involve a helicopter placing trees in the water, according to a news release from the Deschutes National Forest.
The five-mile section of river between Jack Creek and Lower Bridge will be shut down between Oct. 19 and 22 for the joint project of the U.S. Forest Service and the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council. A helicopter will bring in more than 100 large trees to be placed in the river near Canyon Creek and the Allen Springs and Lower Bridge campgrounds.
The closures will not affect the private landowners along the river, and the helicopter operator has pledged not to fly over homes while placing the trees. The helicopter is being used to avoid damaging the streambank while moving the trees into position.
Fisheries biologist Mike Riehle with the Sisters Ranger District said the project will restore pools and cover that were more common in the Metolius in past years, improving habitat for redband and bull trout and Chinook salmon. The restoration will improve conditions for juvenile salmon, which are being reintroduced to the historical habitat above the Pelton and Round Butte dams, he said.
Published Daily in Bend Oregon by Western Communications, Inc. © 2010