Sisters plans to enhance Whychus Creek through city
Public comments sought on restoration plans
SISTERS, Ore. - The city of Sisters and Upper Deschutes Watershed Council are collaborating to enhance and restore Whychus Creek in the reach that flows through Creekside Park and Campground between Locust Street and Highway 20 in Sisters.
The city said it worked with the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council to hire a consultant that is currently working on restoration designs for the project. Design components include:
-- Fish Passage and instream habitat restoration for fish and wildlife;
-- Utility line retrofits at Locust Street bridge and just above the Highway 20 bridge
at a buried sewer line;
-- Bank restoration, riparian plant management and public creek access points and
-- Footbridge upgrades to facilitate ADA compliance.
The consultant has worked with city staff, the city Parks Advisory Board, City Council and the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council to develop a Conceptual Design Report that includes design alternatives and concepts for these project components.
The design concepts specifically tied to footbridge retrofits, along with consolidated public creek access points and riparian vegetation protection the City Parks Advisory Board are recommending as preferred alternatives to City Council.
These are located on the City of Sisters web site at the following link:
The city will be accepting public comments up to the City Council workshop on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 5:30 p.m. and verbal comments during Visitor Communication around 6:30 p.m.
Written comments can be mailed to attention: Patrick Davenport PO Box 39 Sisters, OR 97759, hand-delivered at City Hall or emailed to