2.3 CFS to be protected in Middle Deschutes through project with Swalley Irrigation District
The DRC is partnering with Swalley Irrigation District to pipe its Rogers Canal, which will restore and permanently protect 2.3 cubic feet per second (or more than 1032 gallons per minute) of flow in the Middle Deschutes River during the peak irrigation season. The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board has recently awarded the DRC $645,957 to support this project. Swalley will seek federal funding for the remainder of the project. The Middle Deschutes (below Bend) experiences flow challenges during the summer months when 90% of the river is diverted for irrigation. Over the past 20 years, the DRC has worked with irrigation partners and individuals to restore more than 130 cubic feet per second to this section of the river during the peak summer months. To date, Swalley Irrigation District has permanently restored 20 cfs to the Middle Deschutes. The DRC appreciates the district’s commitment to modernize its irrigation system and restore flow instream.