Notes from the Field - Spawning Steelhead Get a Helping Hand in Trout Creek

September 8, 2020
Notes from the Field - Spawning Steelhead Get a Helping Hand in Trout Creek

Flows in Trout Creek are getting a boost thanks to an irrigation forbearance agreement with an area landowner. As a part of their agreement with the DRC, the landowner will forego using their Trout Creek water right in the late season for the next three years to help improve flows and habitat for rearing and migrating wild Steelhead.

Studies have shown that nearly one third of all steelhead returning to the Basin go to Trout Creek to spawn. Augmenting flows in this reach will cool down water temperatures and allow for deeper pools to form in the creek bed, both factors greatly benefit fish habitat. DRC Intern, Jevan LaMarche spent this summer monitoring flows on the creek to help track how this project will benefit Steelhead habitat.

Thank you for your work, Jevan!

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