Recognizing Basin Heroes: Jim Manion and Mike Tripp

Many people have made significant contributions to the Deschutes Basin, helping to keep our region the special place it is today.

Jim Manion, Former Board Chair
Jim, representing the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, was integral in forming DRC back in 1996. His goal was to create a consensus-based group with a mission to restore instream flows and monitor impacts to the Deschutes River as the basin grew. Jim served as DRC's board chair for many years, always bringing his dedication to collaboration, his passion for natural resources, and his infectious sense of humor to the table. Jim retired recently from Warm Springs Power and Water, where he managed the interests of Warm Springs as well as negotiations for Portland General Electric’s Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric project. Jim, now also retired from the DRC Board, serves on the Warm Springs Tribal Council.

Mike Tripp, Former Board Member
Mike, retired from medical practice and joined the DRC board in 2013. For the past decade, he used his considerable knowledge and passion for rivers to represent the environment on the board. Mike brought great value to DRC through his dedication to learning about the issues and by carefully considering the next steps for the organization. Encouraged that skilled members of younger generations are prepared to carry forward the DRC mission, Mike retired from our board this year to focus on his passions of travel and fishing.
"Jim and Mike have brought their passion for the river and for bringing people together over their numerous years on the DRC board. We've greatly valued having their perspectives and wisdom helping to guide the DRC."