General description text sample
Topic | Document | Information provided | Reference |
Technical Sufficiency Review | Technical Memorandum: Summary of Technical Sufficiency Reviews, Upper Deschutes River Basin Study Download PDF | Provides comments received from technical reviewers on Basin Study technical documentation; includes descriptions of how comments are addressed in the Basin Study report. | Reclamation 2018 |
Multi-Criteria Evaluations | Technical Memorandum: Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Alternatives and Scenarios Download PDF | Summarizes criteria developed by the BSWG for evaluation of potential water resource management tools; evaluates potential water management tools and hypothetical scenarios relative to the identified criteria. | Summit Conservation Strategies 2018 |
Potential Storage Enhancement through Flood Control Operations | Technical Memorandum: Prineville Reservoir – Operating Rule Curve Download PDF | Evaluates the potential for enhancing storage at Prineville Reservoir via modifications to the rule curve guiding flood control operations. | Reclamation 2018 |
Improved Gaging of Diversions | Technical Memorandum: Crooked River – Diversion Gaging Download PDF | Evaluates potential opportunities for improving water management by installing additional gaging on Crooked River diversions below Prineville Reservoir. | Reclamation 2017 |
Technical Memorandum: Upper Crooked River Basin SNOTEL Download PDF | Evaluates potential opportunities for improving hydrologic forecasting that could enhance water management operations; explores possible sites for additional snow telemetry stations in the Upper Crooked River basin. | Reclamation 2016 | |
Hydrologic Forecasting Improvements | Technical Memorandum: Current Hydrologic Forecasting, Potential Improvements, and Next Steps Download PDF | Evaluation of opportunities for improvements in hydrologic forecasting approaches that could enhance water management operations in the Upper Deschutes and Crooked River basins. | Watershed Professionals Network 2016 |
Technical Memorandum: Evaluate Water Right, Legal and Policy Opportunities and Impediments Associated with Several Potential Actions in Whychus Creek (Task 3) Download PDF | Considers potential groundwater-surface water exchanges and below ground storage opportunities in the Whychus Creek basin. | GSI Water Solutions, Inc. 2018 | |
Technical Memorandum: Groundwater Mitigation under the Deschutes Basin Groundwater Mitigation Program; A Summary of Projected Supply and Demand (Task 6) Download PDF | Evaluates the projected supply of, and demand for, mitigation credits for allowing new uses of groundwater. | GSI Water Solutions, Inc. 2017 | |
Technical Memorandum: Water Right Opportunities and Impediments for New or Expanded Reservoir Storage (Task 5) Download PDF | Identifies opportunities and impediments for new or expanded water storage from water rights/legal perspective. | GSI Water Solutions, Inc. 2016 | |
Technical Memorandum: Water Right, Legal and Policy Opportunities and Impediments Associated with Options for Water Movement (Task 4) Download PDF | Explores potential ways to move water rights and/or water supply to meet various needs. | GSI Water Solutions, Inc. 2017 | |
Technical Memorandum: Water Right, Legal and Policy Opportunities and Impediments for Stored Water, Forbearance, Instream Flow Protection, and Mitigation (Task 2, Part 2) Download PDF | Evaluates potential water right opportunities for managing reservoirs to increase streamflow in the Upper Deschutes outside of irrigation season and to establish mitigation credits (note: Task 2, Part 1 was not implemented per BSWG decision as additional information became available). | GSI Water Solutions, Inc. 2016 | |
Legal & Policy Factors | Technical Memorandum: Water Right Assessment: Historical Diversions and Instream Water Rights in the Deschutes Basin (Task 1A) Download PDF | Summary of existing information on water rights and water use (irrigation, municipal, quasi-municipal and instream) in the Upper Deschutes basin. | GSI Water Solutions, Inc. 2017 |
Enhanced/New Storage | Technical Memorandum: Assessment of Potential Enhances or New Storage Opportunities Download PDF | Provides information about potential approaches, additional storage volumes, and costs for new water storage opportunities; helps inform evaluations of storage options as a possible element of future water management strategies. | Reclamation 2018 |
Market-Based Tools | Technical Memorandum: Market-Based Approaches as a Water Supply Alternative (LPE Task 7) Download PDF | Evaluates the potential for market-based approaches as water supply options; addresses price incentives to promote efficient water use and reallocation of existing supply relative to potential water management objectives. | Summit Conservations Strategies 2017 |
Water Conservation Tools (Irrigation) | Technical Memorandum: Water Conservation Assessment Download PDF | High-level summary estimates of water conservation potential and associated costs for the eight irrigation districts in the study area; addresses piping district-owned canals, piping private laterals, and on-farm conservation. | Watershed Professionals Network 2017 |
Technical Memorandum: Whychus Creek and Middle Deschutes River Temperature Assessments Download PDF | Assessment of relationships between stream temperature, streamflow and air temperature at three sites (Whychus Creek, Middle Deschutes River, and Tumalo Creek); regression analyses used to assess potential predictors of stream temperatures. | Upper Deschutes Watershed Council 2016 | |
Stream Temperature | Technical Memorandum: Prineville Reservoir and Crooked River Temperature Model Download PDF | Development of a temperature model of Prineville Reservoir and the Crooked River; explores the effects of potential water management approaches on water temperatures. | Portland State University (PSU) 2017 |
Instream Ecological Needs | Technical Memorandum: Oregon Spotted Frog and Deschutes Redband Trout Habitat Modeling and Riparian Analysis at Two Sites on the Upper Deschutes River Download PDF | Instream flow study at two sites on the Upper Deschutes River below Wickiup Reservoir; evaluates relationships between streamflow and both instream and adjacent riparian wetland habitats. | River Design Group 2017 |
Climate Change | Technical Memorandum: Compilation and Analysis of Climate Change Information in the Deschutes Basin Download PDF | Presents climate change models used to project potential future variability in precipitation and temperature; discusses applications relative to Basin Study objectives. | Reclamation 2018 |
Unregulated Flows in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon Download PDF | Describes/estimates what the flows would be in the Upper Deschutes basin river system without any influence from regulation activities such as reservoir operation, diversion from the river, or return flow from irrigation activities. | ||
Hydrology and Water Supply | Technical Memorandum: Analysis of Regulated River Flow in the Upper Deschutes Basin using Varying In-Stream and Out-of-Stream Conditions Download PDF | Describes modeling studies of river flows, incorporating ranges of hydrologic conditions based on recorded data, current water usage patterns and water rights, and hypothetical water management scenarios; identifies estimated shortages in water supplies for assumed conditions. | Reclamation 2018 |
Study Scope, Schedule & Budget | Plan of Study Download PDF | Sets forth the planned scope, schedule & budget for the Basin Study; tasks to be addressed within the fixed budget were evaluated and agreed upon by the BSWG | Reclamation 2015 |
Basin Study Administration | Memorandum of Agreement: Deschutes Basin Board of Control and Reclamation Download PDF | Establishes the terms guiding performance of the Basin Study and the associated cost-share responsibilities between the Deschutes Basin Board of Control (acting as the fiscal agent for the BSWG) and Reclamation. | Reclamation 2015 |
Basin Study Work Group | Basin Study Work Group Charter Download PDF | Defines the purpose, structure, and processes for the Basin Study Work Group (BSWG) as agreed to by the BSWG Steering Committee. | BSWG 2014 |
Summary Report | Final Report Download PDF | Summarizes all the work in the Basin Study | BSWG 2019 |