a river flowing through a rocky canyon
The Problem

Meeting the Water Needs of the Basin

Join us in protecting our water resources for generations to come.

Habitat Restoration

Restored flows create opportunities for improved water quality, decreased temperatures, and habitat restoration.

Modernizing Water Use

Increasing efficiency in water delivery and on-farm use creates opportunities for conservation.


Adapting to Change

Dramatic flow fluctuations lead to degraded fish habitats and poor water quality.

Restoring Streamflow and Improving Water Quality

A close up of rocks in the water.
Conservation in Action

Protecting Our Rivers

The Deschutes River Conservancy is dedicated to restoring streamflow and improving water quality in the Deschutes River Basin through collaborative programs and partnerships since 1996. By bringing together stakeholders and implementing market-based solutions, we have successfully restored up to 350 CFS of flow in the basin, equivalent to over 14 Olympic-sized swimming pools per hour.


Flows Restored

Basin-wide, DRC and our partners have restored over 350 cubic feet per second to our rivers and streams.


Miles of Canals Piped

Open canals lose up to half of their water diverted for irrigation, while piping conserves this water, keeping it instream.


Annual Water Transactions

Leasing unused water from irrigation patron facilitates opportunities for voluntary market-based water exchange.

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