In the Media

Bend considers water rate change

Bend Bulletin

The city of Bend is poised to overhaul how it charges customers for water, but it is unclear whether the average water bill would go up or down under the proposed changes.

Bowman Dam bills need prompt attention

Bend Bulletin

Literally years of work could go for naught if the U.S. Senate fails to act on Sen. Jeff Merkley’s Bowman Dam bill in the next few weeks.

Editorial: Despite election, stick with Bridge Creek proposal

Bend Bulletin

Though Tuesday’s election saw the Bend City Council pick up two more opponents to the city’s planned improvements to its Bridge Creek water system, that should not weaken supporters’ determination to proceed.

Salmon recovery on schedule

Sisters Nugget

Salmon recovery is going well – but many things have to happen in sequence to make the return of a native fishery a reality.

Crooked River compromise helps irrigators, other users

Captial Press

When federally protected steelhead trout were reintroduced in the Crooked River system in 2007, members of the Ochoco Irrigation District believed it was only a matter of time before their irrigation supplies came under fire.

Editorial: Bend water project needs swift, definitive decision

Bend Bulletin

The imminent reopening of Tumalo Falls Road may be a short-term victory for local residents’ access to a favorite outdoor area, but it’s a sign of defeat for reasonable public policy and community decision making.

Injunction puts Bend water project on hold

Bend Bulletin

A federal judge with an injunction Tuesday put a $20.1 million city of Bend project to capture and deliver drinking water to the city on indefinite hold.

Cracked water pipe repaired

Bend Bulletin

Preliminary work on Bend’s surface water project revealed a crack in a pipe more than 80 years old and used to bring water from Bridge Creek to Bend residents, city officials said Thursday.